Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Mientras duermes (Sleep Tight) (2011)

Not something I’d wager was very popular or successful; this Spanish flick was a great piece of cinema thriller/horror that I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of. Following the story of an apartment building clerk who seeks happiness in some very dark places, the movie does an excellent job at portraying his vice without a lot of judgement, though still painting him as a very troubled and sinister character (but one we still care about), reminiscent of a much tamer American Psycho with a more average joe Bateman. Mientras Duermes lives up to its thriller genre with some incredibly intense moments, with stellar and believable performances all-round. The end of the film was icing on the cake for me, it’s protagonist as methodical and precise as the films script. It’s not a big movie and it’s very much a story driven character film, but it’s a great one at that. Most people won’t give a shit about it, but if you’re into these kinds of movies it’s well worth a watch.

7.5/10 - Mientras duermes is an intense, enjoyable and well crafted little thriller that portrays it’s creepy antihero with finesse, dealing with his troublesome hobbies from his own skewed perspective.

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